Archive for the Rebecca Kühl Category

translation page 119

Posted in Rebecca Kühl, translation on May 7, 2008 by masterdia

War es das Schadenkomitee oder das Brandstiftungskomitee? Das riesige Gesicht war vermutlich ihre Hausaufgabe der letzten Woche.

Tyler würde es wissen, aber die erste Regel des Projekt Chaos ist, dass man keine Fragen über Projekt Chaos stellt.

Im Anschlagkomitee von Projekt Chaos erklärte Tyler diese Woche, er würde jeden dazu bringen das Abfeuern einer Waffe zu mögen. Alles was eine Schusswaffe tut, ist eine Explosion in eine Richtung zu bündeln. Beim letzten Treffen des Anschlagkomitees brachte Tyler eine Schusswaffe und die Gelben Seiten des Telefonbuchs mit. Sie treffen sich in dem Keller, in dem sich der Fight Club samstag abends trifft. Jedes Komitee trifft sich in einer anderen Nacht:

Brandstiftung trifft sich am Montag.

Anschlag am Dienstag.

Schaden trifft sich am Mittwoch.

Und Fehlinformation trifft sich am Donnerstag.

Organisiertes Chaos. Die Bürokratie der Anarchie. Du wirst es herausfinden. Selbsthilfegruppen. Mehr oder weniger.

Dienstag Nacht also, plante das Anschlagkomitee Ereignisse der kommenden Woche; Tyler liest die Vorschläge und gibt dem Komitee seine Hausaufgaben.

Nächste Woche soll jeder einzelne des Anschlagkomitees einen Kampf auf sich nehmen, den er nicht gewinnen kann. Und nicht im Fight Club. Das ist schwieriger als es klingt. Ein Mann auf der Straße würde alles tun um nicht zu kämpfen.

Screenplay page 99-101

Posted in Rebecca Kühl, screenplays on April 16, 2008 by masterdia


Kyle (narrator) walks into the room. Just Big Bob is in there. No one else, only some desert chairs. Camera takes a pan shot of the room. Big Bob looks very happy, but Kyle (narrator) is worn out and afraid.


I thought you were dead.


Yeah, me too.


Well, I’ve got good news.


Where is everybody?


That’s the good news. The group’s disbanded. I only come down here to tell any guys who might show up.

Kyle closes his eyes. He looks like he would die right now. Camera begins to switch between Kyle and Big Bob


The good news is there’s a new group, but the first rule about this new group is you aren’t supposed to talk about it. And the second rule is you’re not supposed to talk about it.

Kyle opens his eyes. Camera takes a close-up of Kyle’s face, than back to Big Bob.


The group is called fight club and it meets every Friday night in a closed garage across town. On Thursday nights, there’s another fight club that meets at a garage closer by. The first rule about fight club is you don’t talk about the fight club. The second rule about fight club is you don’t talk about the fight club. Only two men per fight. Only one fight at a time.

Kyle sits down on one of the desert chairs.


You fight without shirts or shoes. The fights go on as long as they have to. Those are the rules invented by the guy who invented fight club. Do you know him? I’ve never seen him, myself but the guy’s name is Tyler Durden.


I dunno. Maybe.

Camera takes a pan shot again and than fade out.

Page 21-23 from Bob’s point of view

Posted in Rebecca Kühl on April 3, 2008 by masterdia

Then there was this little man. I think it was his first time at testicular cancer. He looked tired and angry, shy and worn out. He is a pathetic sight. Could I help him? I should hold him, because it seems like we had similar expierences in life.

 “I was a juicer. I’ve been married three times. And divorced three times. I owned a gym. But then I took too much testosterone and got bitch tits. I was present at many contests. On stage I was pumped and shaved with body fat lower than two percent. This was a stupid life. But I looked really nice and I got everything I ever wanted. But cancer grows up, my kids wouldn’t return my calls and I got the big fat man you look on now”, I said to him. Then I started crying . I closed my arms around him and he cries too. As we where complete , there was a wet mask of his face on my shirt.

That was two years ago. Since them we almost cried together. And after every meeting he looked a little bit better. He doen’t talked much, but we all like and accept him. But tonight there was something different. He doesn’t cry. He only looked at this stupid woman. She is a liar. She couldn’t have testicular cancer. But noone told her that she is wrong. Maybe she only needs a support group. No matter which. Her name is Marla Singer and she smokes the whole time. And my friend, the little man can’t cry when she is in the room. He only looks at her, he stars. And he looks angry and worn out, just like the first time we met. And I hold him properly. I only want to help him. But then he yells “Bob, I have to go to the can!” And I let him go.

Chapter 1-5

Posted in Rebecca Kühl on March 5, 2008 by masterdia

I think the book is not quite easy to read. The first chapter is confusing me. I do not really know what they are doing on this building and why they are there and what they want to do there. Chapter Two is easy to understand. After reading this chapter I wanted to know more about Marla Singer. Also Chapter Three is only a bit difficult to understand. But why switches the narrator between Tyler Durden and himself so often? And which role plays Tyler Durden in the following story? That’s what I want to know. Chapter Four is really easy to understand. And I think it’s a good explanation of Marla Singer. But chapter Five is really difficult. He sits on an airplane and talks at the same time about his appartement, which is detonated. But how could he know this? And why does he call Tyler Durden, after he arrives and notice what happens? And why does Tyler say: ” I want you to hit me as hard as you can.”? I think in every chapter Tyler is a very strange person. I don’t know why he is there and what he is really doing. And every time he appears in the story the narrator switches fast between him and himself. This is what I can’t understand.