Screenplay Chapter 12 p.96-99


Name: Narrator
Age: Unknown
Personality: has insomnia, has out of body experiences, irritating
Home: Paper Street 2, degenerated house
Friends/Relations: best friend is Tyler, friendship to Marla

Name: Narrators Boss
Age: Unknown
Personality: strict, nerved
Home: Unknown
Friends/Relations: Boss of the Narrator

-> The Boss of the Narrator has found a sheet of paper with the rules of Fight Club in the copier. He asks him if he forgot the sheet.
-> The Narrator have to stand to the first and the second rule of Fight Club. He have to be silent about Fight Club. Because of this, he`s trying to tell his Boss the lie, that he know nothing about Fight Club.
-> He`s trying to be cool and suggesting his Boss, that he don`t know, what Fight Club is.

2. Story

The Narrator is sitting at his desk in his office. His Boss comes into his room with a sheet of paper which was left in the copy machine in his hand. On the papersheet are the 10 rules of Fight Club.

(Over-the-shoulder shot at Narrator`s Boss)
“The first rule of fight club is you don`t talk about fight club.”
“The second rule of fight club is you don`t talk about fight club…
I hope, this isn`t yours.”

(cross cut between the Narrator and his Boss)

(close up to the narrator)

(Narrator is looking bored)

(close up to the Boss)
“The third rule of fight club is two men per fight.
One fight at a time.”
(freaks out)
“What the fuck is this!?
What about it?”
(he shakes the sheet of paper under the Narrators nose)
“Is this some little game You`re playing on company time?
You`re paid for your full attention, not to waste time with your little stupid war games!
And You`re not paid to abuse the copy machines!
What do you think, should I do with an employee who spends company time in some
little fantasy world? If You were in my shoes, what would you do!?”


(medium shot at the Narrator and the Boss)

(Narrator is thinking about something)

“What I would do… is… I`d be very careful who I talked to about this paper.
It sounds like some dangerous psychotic killer wrot this, and this buttoned-down
shizophrenic could probably go over the edge at any moment in the working day
and stalk from office to office with an Armalite AR-180 cabine gas-operated semiautomatic.”

(close up to the Boss, he looks confused)

(medium shot at Narrator and Boss)

“The guy is probably at home every night with a little rattail file, filling a cross into
the tip of every one of this rounds. This way, when he shows up to work one morning and pumps a round into his nagging, ineffectual, petty, whining, butt-sucking, candy-ass boss, that one round will split along the filed grooves and spread open the way a dumdum bulet flowers inside you to blow a bushel load of your stinking guts out through your spine. Picture your gut chakra opening in a slow-motion explosion of sausage-casing small intestine.”

(Boss takes the paperout from under Narrators nose)

(Over-the-shoulder shot on the Narrator)

“It`s scary. This is probably somebody, who works here for years. Probably this guy knows everything of you, where you live and where your wife works and your kids go to school.”

(medium shot)

(seconds of silence)

“No, the paper is not mine…
Maybe you shouldn`t be bringing me every little piece of trash you pick up…”

(Close up at the appaled Boss)

“O-… Okay. Thank you for your time…”

(medium shot)

(The Boss runs out of Narrators office)


10 Responses to “Screenplay Chapter 12 p.96-99”

  1. tollertim Says:

    Characters and plot seem to be plausible.
    Very funny scene.
    Maybe there could be some movement of the cameras.
    All in all I like it very much.

  2. 3xorzist Says:

    I like this screenplay.
    I think there are some little mistakes but the text is nice and the camera views were well-positioned.

  3. afroschildkroete Says:

    The story and the characters are shown in a very good way. You can really feel the emotion of the persons. So the scene is very imaginative. You forgot to write the headline of the scene ( ext or int) . You can follow the camera positions, but I think there are to many cuts, but all in all the scene is very well done.

  4. Very well written and the story is good to understand but in the beginning there is no short description of the ambiance.

  5. bongshock Says:

    Good screenplay with logic camera shots. The content and the dialogs are close to the original text. But we think there should be more focus on the emotions of the actors.
    Felix Steinmetzer | Dr. Robin Piehler
    Prof. Patrick Rulez

  6. Good screenplay. All facts are showed. The scene is a little bit imaginative and has a good suspense. Camera work is traceable and goes with the scene.

  7. Well done, but I think the character-description at the beginning is to big, the names are enough.

  8. The shots are a good choice and the text is well written (wide range of vocabulary. To much is copied directly from the book.

    Saskia & Nick

  9. well done

  10. falconit Says:

    Nice screenplay, camera positions are chosen very well so you have a lot of suspense. Formal: ok, maybe leave out the quotation marks and un-center the direct speech.

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